Wesleyan Christian Academy (WCA)
If you are looking for a faith-based, diverse, non-profit school that offers your child a high quality child development program, WCA is for you.
A ministry of First Rowlett United Methodist Church for over 30 years, we follow the GISD school calendar (August-May).
2025-2026 Registration opens Monday, February 3 at 7:30 am.
There is a $25 discount on the registration fee for enrollment in February.
2025 Summer Program
Enrollment Now Open
Ages six weeks to Pre-K: 2 Day | 3 Day | 5 Day programs; Private Kindergarten 5 Day Program
Regular School Hours 9:00 am to 2:00 pm | Extended Care Hours 7:30 am to 5:30 pm
Getting to know us
Spend A Day at WCA
A secure and caring environment nurtures social/emotional, physical and early brain growth and development.
Toddlers thru Pre Kindergarten
Frog Street Press Curriculum
This fun and engaging curriculum lays the foundation for future learning experiences through music, interactive math, literacy and conceptual activities.
Thematic Units
Thematic units are a supplemental component that further contribute to the learning experience by enhancing learning exploration and promoting real world application.
Private Kindergarten
Kindergarten Math
Skill building happens through many activities such as graphing, skip counting, creating patterns, and place value. Other concepts learned, including addition, subtraction, telling time, fractions, money, basic geometry and measurement are extended beyond the Kindergarten level.
Kindergarten Literacy
Literacy is fostered through shared reading experiences, a print rich environment, and teacher-child interactions. Shared reading experiences are in the classroom as well as in the library. Teachers bring language and rich dialogue to the learning and playing activities. Our curriculum promotes phonemic awareness and fluency to foster successful readers.
Specials for most ages
Art Classes | Music and Movement | Physical Education | Spanish | Technology | Library | Chapel | Science
Participation varies by age level and chosen program