Serving God by Loving Others

Led by church members for those with individual needs

Like you, we are a group of Christians who believe in the power of prayer. We have a group of committed members who gather weekly to pray over each request that we receive. If you or someone you love is in need of prayers, please fill out the prayer request form.

Prayer Ministry

If you are in need of prayer, you can call our pastoral care line at 972-475-3667 and leave a message. The pastors will respond when they are able.

Pastoral Care Voice Mail

GriefShare Support Group

If you have lost a loved one, please consider joining our GriefShare Support Group. You don’t have to go this road alone. It can be very helpful to have others who have experienced loss of a loved one to walk with you. Meets on Sundays from 4:00-5:30 pm throughout the Spring and Fall. Go to the GriefShare website for more information and to register.

Congregational Care Ministry

In addition to our pastoral staff, we have a group of trained church members assigned to the members of our congregation who may be in need of special care in times of illness, divorce, unemployment, death of a loved one or any other family crisis.

Contact the church office if you or someone you know may be in need.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

If you would like to learn how to knit or crochet, consider joining our prayer shawl ministry. They meet weekly in room 178 on Wednesdays from 5:00-7:00 p.m. to knit, crochet, and pray over special prayer shawls that are distributed to shut-ins, newborns, or anyone who is in need of special attention by our church. Contact Robin Corser to request a Prayer Shawl.